Within the pneumatic system, the separation process of the product-air mixture is achieved using an airlock machine, allowing the separated product tobe detached from the air and then reintegrated into the system.


It is a special machine that effectively separates the product-air mixture throughcentrifugal forces. Primarily designed for robust and efficient transportation ofproducts in pneumatic conveying systems, it is especially preferred in areas withdense conveying lines due to its advantages of cleanliness and low maintenancerequirements. Within the pneumatic system, the separation process of the product-air mixture is achieved using an airlock machine, allowing the separated product tobe detached from the air and then reintegrated into the system.

The machine features a carefully designed structure consisting of three mainsections. Firstly, the cylindrical upper part is where the separation process begins andwhere centrifugal forces come into play. Next, the conical body is specially designedto effectively collect, direct, and complete the separation of the separated products.Finally, the inlet pipe plays a critical role in securely delivering the product-air mixtureto the machine.


  • Various models are available with the option for entry from either the right or left side.
  • The inlet mouth has the ability to rotate easily in the desired direction.
  • It can be easily mounted on pipes of different diameters.
  • Provides excellent separation efficiency, effectively separating product-air mixture.
  • It adheres to superior hygiene standards, prioritizing product safety and cleanliness. •
  • Designed with minimal space requirements, it can be effectively utilized even inconstrained areas.
  • Thanks to its easy installation process, it can be quickly put into operation.
  • These features and benefits demonstrate that pneumatic cyclones are carefullydesigned to support usage across a wide range of industries, aiming to enhanceproduction efficiency, occupational safety, and operational convenience.